Roku GinadminAugust 22, 2022July 28, 2023

Roku Gin


Size : 700 ml

Country Of Origin: Japan

Alcohol Content: 43% Vol

Product Description: Roku Gin is best described as a journey through four seasons with six Japanese Botanicals. The creation and perfection of Roku Gin is a result of the hardwork and expertise over 100 years built on deep knowledge of distilling alcohol. The botanicals are distilled separately according to the feature of each botanicals to bring out the best flavours of each. Roku Gin has an aroma of cherry blossom and green tea to provide a floral flavour. Japanese botanical notes with Yuzu at the top in combination with various other botanicals makes this gin unique. A crisp finish of sansho pepper brings a little spiciness at the finish.

Best Way to Drink: Gin and Tonic is a commonly known way to drink Gin. A many prefer to mix it with Fever Tree Tonic Water. It can be used to make some wonderful cocktails like Negroni, Mule.

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